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Before the Dark King was killed, he had control over Metro City. He terrorized everyone in the city with his dark rule and impenetrable warrior tactics. At the moment, It seemed there wasn't anyone who could stop him. But of course there was one agent that would bring an end to his menace. Agent Carmello Alor.


After his death, the city was quiet for only a brief period. There would be another villainous individual that would rise to take the place of the Dark King. His name is Kolkata.


Kolkata studied the mistakes and advances of the Dark King. And he learned to never make the same mistakes. He decided to form a team of ruthless but talented individuals to carry out all of his affairs. He fondly called his new team The P.U.S.H. His ultimate plan was not to terrorize the community the way the Dark King once did but to establish organized crimes and gain profits from his efforts.


Detective Cole Walker was tasked to gain intelligence, infiltrate and eventually take down this organization. But the task was greater than the police force expected. So in a desperate effort, Detective Walker sought out a very special individual assist him with the task, Ilta Kain.


Ilta formed the Team I.C.E. because he knew that alone he would be overwhelmingly outnumbered. With the police force backing him with intelligence he knew that failure wasn't an option..


But soon after forming the I.C.E. Ilta quickly discovered there were other rivalries forming against him that were greater than the P.U.SH. Other elements that would make attempts to take more than just the life of Ilta Kain....



(Intelligence and Crime Equalizers)



(Powerful Underground and Systematic Haven)

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